Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Please consider this and pass it on to anyone else you know in the parish.
I have signed on to be part of a men’s study group that meets each Tuesday morning at St Ann’s at 5:30 AM. You can imagine that I must believe in it strongly to make such a commitment in my waning years J to give up my beloved early morning sleep time for a bunch of guys like you.
We will start on September 9th promptly at 5:30 and we will have 13 sessions following the school year and then break for the Holidays and Holy Days. You may know someone who has been part of this at St Monica’s for the last two years. It is being added in town this year also at: St Rita, St Thomas Aquinas, and All Saints along with us here at St Ann in Coppell. It has been going strong at a number of parishes where it started in Houston.
You can see all about it at the website:

The first year of the That Man is You!-- men’s leadership program, entitled “Becoming a Man after God’s own Heart,” develops the vision of authentic male leadership based on the four leadership roles entrusted to men and firmly establishes the first step in leadership as personal union with God. The program opens the pathway to authentic leadership by providing the means for overcoming the three main obstacles in the spiritual life and strengthening the individual’s union with God.
TMIS has been going strong at St Monica’s for three years and this year St Ann is joining St Rita, St Thomas Aquinas, Prince of Peace, and All Saints to the program here in Dallas.
“That Man is You!”
WEEK 1: The Need for Leadership
WEEK 2: A Society in Crisis
WEEK 3: The Family as the Foundation of Society
WEEK 4: The Image of God in Man
WEEK 5: Behold the Man
WEEK 6: Woman: The Masterpiece of Creation
WEEK 7: The Union of Man and Woman
WEEK 8: Satan’s Attack on the Family
WEEK 9: A New Adam and a New Eve
WEEK 10: Marriage as the Return to Paradise
WEEK 11: The Temptation of Modern Man
WEEK 12: A Broken Covenant?
WEEK 13: The Passion of the Church

Please hit the website and poke around—there is a video and some more info.
Just click on Location and then Texas and then St Ann Coppell and register----there is no cost and at last count we have over 26 registered all so far by word of mouth. You will begin to see it in the bulletin next week and hear about it from the Announcements in coming days.
Call me with any questions.

God bless and thanks for considering this new men’s opportunity to grow in your Catholic faith,

Dear Brothers in Christ at St Ann Coppell,

I would like to invite you to the ACTS Retreat that will be held in Dallas at the Bishops Retreat Center in Oak Cliff August 21-24. The retreat starts and ends at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Richardson with a gathering on Thursday evening and then finishing up with Mass on Sunday. The retreat celebrate for the entire retreat is Bishop Charles Grahman.

I am a long-standing Continuation Committee member at St. Ann's in Coppell for the CRHP weekends that are held within the parish over a 2 day period and have participated in 3 of them here. I made the first Dallas ACTS retreat back in October of 2005 and now will be on the Giving Team for this next one. In years passed, I have made Marriage Encounter, pro-life retreats, and Cursillo through the Fort Hood team back in 1998.
And of course over the years I have done scores of different types of retreats and renewal events.

As a Catholic man, I wholeheartedly support and recommend the Acts retreat and would love to discuss it with you and encourage you to make arrangements to attend. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. The retreat is $160 and the Registration Form is included.

This in no way competes with our current and wonderful CRHP program which I wholeheartedly support and continue to work with. It simply gives you another avenue of ongoing renewal which we are all called to.

Pass this along as you like,

God bless,

Daniel Vinzant
And now some good news to those who STAND JUST for the Gospel of Life against this Culture of Death,


Planned Parenthood Temporarily Suspends Abortions in South Dakota
SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota, July 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. Allen D. Unruh submits the following and is available for comment:

On Monday, July 21, 2008, women in South Dakota showed up for their abortion appointments at 8:00 a.m. But there was a sign on the door that Planned Parenthood was closed. Monday is the day that Planned Parenthood usually schedules abortions at its Sioux Falls abortion clinic. On those Mondays, Planned Parenthood flies a doctor in from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to perform 15 to 20 abortions. On this Monday, no unborn babies died in South Dakota by an abortion. The reason Planned Parenthood suspended its abortion practice this week should be the most exciting news the Culture of Life has ever had. Monday was the first day Planned Parenthood had to comply with South Dakota's new Abortion Informed Consent Law. The Law became effective because of a decision of an en banc Court of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, on June 27, 2008, which vacated an injunction. Now Planned Parenthood must comply with the requirements of the Law.
Among other things, the new law requires the abortion doctor to advise the pregnant mother, in writing, that the abortion will "terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being." The U.S. Court of Appeals rejected Planned Parenthood's argument that the Statute violated the doctor's first amendment rights. Planned Parenthood is contending that the statement is one of "ideology." The Court held that the Statute made it clear the statement was a statement of biological fact, not one of ideology; and the evidence produced did not demonstrate it was anything other than an accurate statement of biological fact.

The new Law also requires the abortion doctor to inform the pregnant mother that the pregnant mother and the second human being have an existing relationship that enjoys protection under the Constitution of the United States, and that the procedure terminates that relationship and the rights associated with it. The Law also requires disclosure of medical risks, including the risk of depression and "increased risk of suicide ideation and suicide."

After the case was remanded back to the Federal District Court on June 27th, Planned Parenthood's lawyers attempted to convince the District Court Judge to enter a new injunction concerning the disclosures other than the "human being" disclosure. On Thursday, July 17th, the District Court refused to enter another injunction and the Law became effective on Monday, July 21st.
When someone finally came to the Planned Parenthood office this last Monday, no abortion doctors arrived with them. No abortion doctor flew into South Dakota that day. The penalties for abortionist's non-compliance could include a prison sentence, loss of medical license, and civil liability. In South Dakota, a wrongful death case can be brought for the death of an unborn child at any age of gestation. Time will tell if an abortionist will take the medical and legal risk of completing abortions in South Dakota without compliance to the 8th Circuit decision. The new rules are that they must tell the truth. The immediate beneficiaries of this new law are the women and their children. The women will be better informed, and that information, for some, will most likely result in the women keeping their children. More children will live.

But, perhaps the greatest beneficiary is our culture at large.
In the lawsuit brought by Planned Parenthood challenging the constitutionality of South Dakota's Informed Consent Law, Dr. Bernard Nathanson testified that he was one of the original founders of the National Alliance to Repeal Abortion Laws (NARAL). He is probably the last living original founder. He testified that as part of their strategy, the NARAL founders decided that they had to deny what they knew to be true -- that an abortion killed a living human being. They decided to deceive the public (and the courts) by maintaining that what was "evacuated" in an abortion was "just some tissue." Dr. Nathanson has blown NARAL's cover. The Eighth Circuit has now shown a bright light on the truth. And the truth will, in the end, set us free.
For addition information about the 8th Circuit Court decision or the Initiative to end abortion as birth control in South Dakota which is on November's ballot, go to
Christian Newswire
Please review this important information and try to keep up on this important subject for all people of good will

Pray and do all to Stand Just for the Gospel of Life in the midst of this Culture of Death,


Catholic hospitals betray mission
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Update: Defense of Catholic hospitals betray missionFriday July 24, 2008 Researchers respond to accusations against the interpretation of the original data on sterilization. See Defense-of-Catholic-hospitals-betray-mission.pdf and Further-analysis-of-sterilization data.pdf at Sterilization and abortion practices in Texas Catholic hospitals
Catholic hospital medical research whistleblowers & Wikileaks staffMonday June 15, 2008

A new study reveals sterilization and abortion practices in Catholic hospitals. Enlarge
In a study of sterilization and abortion practices in Texas Catholic hospitals compiled from hospital discharge data for the State of Texas, whistleblowing Catholic medical researchers found that Catholic hospitals reported at least 9,684 cases of sterilizations and 39 legally induced abortions from 2000-2003. While sterilizations and abortions are legal in the United States, they are considered immoral by the Catholic Church and many Catholics.
Because the hospital systems studied are nationwide, the results are likely to be representative of current practice across the United States.
The identified hospitals and their respective healthcare systems are operated by religious orders of the Catholic Church who according to the Church's Canon Law are subject to the authority of the Church. In their activities, they must faithfully observe the mission of their founders (Can. 578) and cooperate with the local bishop. In the United States, they are expected by the local bishops to operate according to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare (2001).
The study shows that all six US Catholic hospital systems operating in Texas do not follow these directives, or, arguably, the purpose and spirit of their founders.
The researchers collected and analyzed the Texas data to inform the public of the practices of Catholic healthcare systems and to foster public accountability for the religious sisters who run these systems in the name of Christ and the Church. The data from the study is made available on this website to all who wish to further investigate the situation.
The study includes records from Catholic hospitals in Texas that present either explicit violations of Catholic directives or might represent violations. The concern of the study has been to examine solid documentary evidence of violations and to avoid confidential information, morally ambiguous procedures, or personal cases.
The data is abstracted from the hospital inpatient discharge data reported to the Texas Health Care Information Collection Center for Health Statistics. The Texas Legislature requires the Center to collect healthcare charges, utilization data including diagnosis and procedures, and outcome data for all patients for the purposes of promoting cost-effective, quality health care.
All Texas hospitals except for very small or rural ones must submit quarterly data on all inpatient discharges. Hospitals assign unique patient and physician identifiers so that records may be submitted without violating patient and physician confidentiality. The data is compiled quarterly into public use data files that may be purchased for research or analytical purposes. The cost at $4,600 per year is out of reach of most individuals and is the reason this study only covers 2000 to 2003. Results for 2004-2008 should be similar.
An Excel file, TCH.xls (Texas Catholic Hospitals), containing abstracted patient records may be downloaded and examined by those who wish to do further investigation. The researchers organized the data and simplified its presentation to make it more accessible to those individuals not familiar with hospital discharge data. They added macros to enable the data to be viewed in various ways. The opening tab of the file explains how to use the macros. There are also links to the hospital systems, religious orders who own the hospitals, and dioceses in which the hospitals or religious orders are located. The researchers are available to assist interested parties in Texas and other states to collect and analyze similar data.
An independent review of TCH.xls with a one page data summary and an assessment of its implications for the practice of Catholic healthcare in the United States and for the necessary adaptation of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare have also been posted. The review has been widely distributed to church leaders and the media. The review data summary, review narrative, and distribution memo may be downloaded from Wikileaks (Sterilization and abortion practices in Texas Catholic hospitals).
Methodology Used in Analyzing Texas Hospital Data
The TCH.xls file was created by a research group including a biostatistician and medical ethicist as a means to facilitate open access to public records containing data from Catholic hospitals in the state of Texas.
Only Catholic hospital inpatient data was extracted from the Texas Public Use Data File for inclusion in the analysis. The Catholic hospitals were identified from the 2006 state list of acute care hospitals in Texas, the hospitals listed in the Official Catholic Directory, and the websites of the identified health care systems and respective religious orders responsible for their operation. Only one acute care Catholic hospital located in Brenham is not included since it is not required to report because of its rural location.
For the identified Catholic hospitals, inpatient data was obtained for the years 2000 through 2003. The state records are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases guidelines (ICD-9-CM) published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A database of the codes obtained from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics is included in the provided files. The researchers responsible for TCH.xls searched for all records which had codes indicating sterilizations, contraceptive procedures, legally induced abortions, and termination of pregnancy. A complete listing of all codes used in searching the records is also included in the data file.
Only those fields from the Texas Public Use Data File relevant to the research are included in the extracted file. Each patient record in the extracted file includes the year and quarter of the discharge, the hospital ID, the name of the hospital, the sex of the patient, the admitting ICD-9-CM diagnostic code, eight additional fields for diagnostic codes, the principle surgical procedure ICD-9-CM code, five additional fields for surgical and obstetrical procedures, and the unique patient record ID. Fields in the records regarding charges, physician identification, and other non-relevant information were excluded from the compilation. It should be noted that the hospital identification codes are unique identifiers assigned to the hospitals by the state. These numbers sometimes change although the hospital remains the same.
A brief note on the selected codes for the search may be helpful. The V25.2 diagnostic code specifically indicates that sterilization for contraceptive purposes is to be done through interruption of the fallopian tubes or the vas deferens. There are distinct diagnostic codes for illegal, legal, or unspecified induced abortions. Only legally induced abortions have been considered. Also, there are procedures such as dilation and curettage (D&C) which can be used either "following delivery or abortion" or "for termination of pregnancy" and are given separate codes to distinguish these very different purposes. Only the codes specifically "for termination of pregnancy" were used for the search. The user is advised to view all the diagnostic and procedural codes in a patient record to gain a clearer understanding of particular cases. A complete list of the codes and their descriptions are included in TCH.xls.
The data for each hospital is summarized on the Hospitals tab. Totals for each code are given. While some records may contain duplicate codes, the totals only count the record once. All the records included in each total number may be seen by double clicking on the total.
The anonymous researchers may be contacted via
Wikileaks. (2008). Sterilization and abortion practices in Texas Catholic hospitals
Canon Law Society. (2003). "" Code of Canon Law . Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. (2001). "" Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare , Fourth Edition. Washington D.C.: USCCB.
Texas Department of State Health Services. (2006). Texas Health Care Information Collection Center for Health Statistics
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Analyses United States 2008 2008-07 2008-06

Friday, July 18, 2008


This is so funny not only because it is part of the
Apollo history that I actually thought I knew pretty well :)

But, doubly funny as Jan, my wife--sent it to me today. hehehe indeed. LOL

Today my brother Bryan would be 50--please pray for him.

Tomorrow my brother, sister, and I are going to a joint Class of 70's High School reunion and dance---
Alicia 1970
Mike 1972
Daniel--aka Danny, but never Dan--1974
Bryan 1976

I am not a fan of these things, but want to spend the day with my brother and sister and remember Bryan--we all had many of the same teachers in a relatively small school where everyone knew everyone----and so many families had several kids in each class like us, so it should be an interesting mix---in Waco, my Shechem.

thank God for the bits of humor He gives to get us going on certain days eh

thanks for laughing and crying with me--most of all for praying with and for me and my family


July 20, 1969, as commander of the Apollo 11 lunar module, NeilArmstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon.His first words after stepping on the moon, 'that's one small step forman, one giant leap for mankind,' were televised to earth and heard bymillions.But just before he reentered the lander, he made theenigmatic remark 'good luck, Mr. Gorky.'Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning somerival sovietcosmonaut.However, upon checking, there was no Gorky in eitherthe Russian or American space programs.Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the 'goodluck,Mr. Gorky'...statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled.On July 5,1995, in Tampa Bay,Florida, while answering questions following aspeech, a reporter brought up the 26-year-old question to Armstrong.This time he finally responded.Mr. Gorky had died, so NeilArmstrong felt he could answer the question.In 1938 when he was a kid in a small mid-west town, he was playingbaseball with a friend in the backyard.His friend hit the ball, which landedin his neighbor's yard by the bedroom windows.His neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorky.As he leaned down to pick up the ball,young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorky shouting at Mr. Gorky.'Sex! You want sex?! You'll get sex when the kid next door walks on themoon!'True story.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Subject: Brand new pro-life video produced in Dallas - saved one abortion so far

Pro-life video. Song written and sung by a Cantor at Blessed Sacrament in Dallas. So far, this song has stopped a woman from having an abortion.

Please pass on !!