Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Please consider this and pass it on to anyone else you know in the parish.
I have signed on to be part of a men’s study group that meets each Tuesday morning at St Ann’s at 5:30 AM. You can imagine that I must believe in it strongly to make such a commitment in my waning years J to give up my beloved early morning sleep time for a bunch of guys like you.
We will start on September 9th promptly at 5:30 and we will have 13 sessions following the school year and then break for the Holidays and Holy Days. You may know someone who has been part of this at St Monica’s for the last two years. It is being added in town this year also at: St Rita, St Thomas Aquinas, and All Saints along with us here at St Ann in Coppell. It has been going strong at a number of parishes where it started in Houston.
You can see all about it at the website:

The first year of the That Man is You!-- men’s leadership program, entitled “Becoming a Man after God’s own Heart,” develops the vision of authentic male leadership based on the four leadership roles entrusted to men and firmly establishes the first step in leadership as personal union with God. The program opens the pathway to authentic leadership by providing the means for overcoming the three main obstacles in the spiritual life and strengthening the individual’s union with God.
TMIS has been going strong at St Monica’s for three years and this year St Ann is joining St Rita, St Thomas Aquinas, Prince of Peace, and All Saints to the program here in Dallas.
“That Man is You!”
WEEK 1: The Need for Leadership
WEEK 2: A Society in Crisis
WEEK 3: The Family as the Foundation of Society
WEEK 4: The Image of God in Man
WEEK 5: Behold the Man
WEEK 6: Woman: The Masterpiece of Creation
WEEK 7: The Union of Man and Woman
WEEK 8: Satan’s Attack on the Family
WEEK 9: A New Adam and a New Eve
WEEK 10: Marriage as the Return to Paradise
WEEK 11: The Temptation of Modern Man
WEEK 12: A Broken Covenant?
WEEK 13: The Passion of the Church

Please hit the website and poke around—there is a video and some more info.
Just click on Location and then Texas and then St Ann Coppell and register----there is no cost and at last count we have over 26 registered all so far by word of mouth. You will begin to see it in the bulletin next week and hear about it from the Announcements in coming days.
Call me with any questions.

God bless and thanks for considering this new men’s opportunity to grow in your Catholic faith,


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