Monday, October 13, 2008

What a great day to be a Catholic in America--thank you Nancy Polosi. How wonderful for you to take on the Catholic Church and Her doctrines--you broke a Wall of Silence and forced the Bishops of America to do the right thing and stand up and be Bishops--thanks be to God.

To date--October 13, 2008-- Sixty-two bishops have come out with powerful statements clarifying how Catholics should vote morally in the election Our wonderful local Joint Statement by Bishops Farrell (Dallas)and Vann (Fort Worth) along with that of Archbishop Gomez of San Antonio have been very encouraging here in Texas.

The following is a list of those bishops who have made public statements about Catholics in politics in this election. Regarding those bishops not on the list, it should be mentioned that the joint statement by Justin Cardinal Rigali, chair of the USCCB's Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Bishop William Lori, Chair of the Committee on Doctrine, carries the unified voice of all the bishops. This list is from, Will the Church Split Along Red and Blue Lines?

1. Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver
2. Bishop James Conley, auxiliary of Denver
3. Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C.
4. Justin Cardinal Rigali of Philadelphia, chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities
5. Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, chairman of the Committee on Doctrine
6. Edward Cardinal Egan of New York
7. Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo
8. Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh
9. Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs
10. Archbishop Jose Gomez of San Antonio
11. Bishop Oscar Cantu, auxiliary of San Antonio
12. Bishop William Murphy of Rockville
13. Bishop Edward Slattery of Tulsa
14. Bishop Kevin Farrell of Dallas
15. Bishop Gregory Aymond of Austin
16. Sean Cardinal O'Malley of Boston
17. Bishop Thomas Wenski of Orlando
18. Archbishop John Nienstedt of Saint Paul/Minneapolis
19. Francis Cardinal George of Chicago, President of the USCCB
20. Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker
21. Bishop Jerome Listecki of La Crosse
22. Bishop Richard Lennon of Cleveland
23. Bishop Ralph Nickless of Sioux City
24. Archbishop George Niederauer of San Francisco
25. Bishop Glen Provost of Lake Charles, LA
26. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn
27. Bishop Joseph F. Martino of Scranton
28. Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
30. Bishop Peter J. Jugis, Bishop of Charlotte
31. Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Raleigh
32. Archbishop Joseph Naumann, Archbishop of Kansas City, KS
33. Bishop Robert Finn, Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph, MI
34. Bishop Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, WS
35. Bishop Ronald Gilmore, Bishop of Dodge City, KS
36. Bishop Paul Coakley, Bishop of Salina, KS
37. Bishop Michael Jackels, Bishop of Wichita
38. Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach
39. Bishop Kevin J. Farrell, Bishop of Dallas
40. Bishop Kevin W. Vann, Bishop of Fort Worth
41. Joint Statement by the bishops of New York State (22 bishops)

Hold Control down and click on the blue line and it will take you to each Bishop's website. Please spread these wonderful statements of LIFE far and wide.

Thank you all for all you do to Stand Just for the Gospel of Life in the midst of this culture of death,


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