Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Dear Ones,

Come and join me and many others as we spend time in prayer at perhaps the most sacred ground in Dallas--The Chapel, The Tabernacle, and the Blessed Sacrament literaly are looking down through a wall of windows on one of the most active killing centers in Dallas, Texas. For the whole 24 years the White Rose has been in the same building across the street or now side by side to this killing center and the Blessed Sacrament actually shared a common wall with the actual rooms where the killing went on for over 8 years.

I can think of no better place to spend a day of prayer as we going into this most holy time of our Lord's Passion--Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Silence of Holy Saturday and the marvelous Exalutant of Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.

I personally plan to be there for Mass until 11:00 and then return from 2:00--4:30. I look forward to sharing some special time of prayer with each of you and thank you for your continuing to offer up you HOPE bead for the Vinzant family--those here in this Valley Tears and those in the arms of God.

Joining you in Standing Just for the Gospel of Life at the very gates of the Culture of Death here in Dallas Texas and praying for the good work done at the White Rose.


Come join the White Rose family and friends as we begin our 25th year with a visit from The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Lady will be in the White Rose chapel (our chapel overlooks the entrance to Routh Street abortion center) on April 8th, from 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. There will also be a Mass at 9 a.m. This is a very special event and we hope you will stop by and pray for our ministry, our city, and our nation. We are seeing more young women than ever and we need your prayers. Parking for clients is limited, so please park on one of the side streets. Let others know of Our Lady's visit.
White Rose address: 4313 N. Central, Dallas 75205
For other locations and times go to prolifedallas.org.

Thursday, April 2 through Easter Sunday, April 12 -Traveling Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Dallas
olg.jpgThe traveling Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe will travel by day to all five Dallas abortion centers and by night to diocesan parishes.
In Wichita, Kansas, the Missionary Image was taken to an abortuary where late-term babies are being killed and cremated in an incinerator on the premises. As the image was processed around the killing center, people smelled a strong fragrance of roses. Then, they saw rose petals miraculously flaking from the image in all directions. An eyewitness to this extraordinary event experienced an overwhelming peace and said that it seemed as if heaven had come down to earth and Our Lady was saying, "It is good for you to be here, as I, too, stood at the foot of the Cross silently watching and praying as my innocent Son was crucified."
On several occasions the image has wept tears of oil. Once it wept on Christmas Day before an entire congregation. The priest told the people, "Our Lady is weeping on her Son's birthday for all of her children who have no birthday because of abortion."
Many people have shared that they felt the heartbeat of an unborn child in Mary's womb on the image. This sound was heard by a nurse with a stethoscope!
Our Lady is teaching us that abortion is about a child and not a choice.
Click here for the schedule, novena and more information. .

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