FYI--of course being from me it will be long--but very informative--this group I never heard of before--Faithful America-- seems to be a code group for pro-Obama, pro-choice, why can't we be friends theology...Note there very skewed poll taken from among their own membership--talk about the fox in the hen house...i am sure this means to them that I too am a "hard-lined protester" nay-saying all the good and lovely things this President wants to do to bring about peace on earth....please God help us, and deliver us from what we deserve--Save us oh God, save a people for yourself O God...
I guess it is back to the streets for me along with dear Norma---
hey,hey,ho,ho, this common-ground foolishness has got to Go....
for Life,
Following is a "dialogue" on finding "common ground on the abortion issue"
1st from a very dear friend who was the first to share Christ with Norma (jane roe of roe v wade) here in Dallas years ago:
Bullshit. Those of you with stronger sensibilities, please excuse my choice of words.
Dialogue? There is no dialogue. Do they really want to hear a Catholic perspective on how to reduce unexpected pregnancy?! Hell no! What concession is the "other side" willing to make in this dialogue/compromise? It was recently said that if there is nothing wrong with abortion, i.e., it is just another option or choice, then why should we want to reduce them?
There is no compromise. We should engage people with a different opinion. This does not mean we compromise our own convictions. When Norma McCorvey became pro-life then later a Christian and finally a Catholic Christian, she was always presented an uncompromising view of the the Faith. I know because I had a beer with her and three or four of her co-workers when she worked in an abortion clinic in Dallas. It was the first time she had engaged socially with a "sidewalk counselor". We talked for hours. Later other pro-lifers engaged her for days, weeks and months all the while presenting an uncompromising view of life based on a Christian perspective. Isn't it ironic then that she would be arrested at Notre Dame, witnessing to those who have a watered-down approach to Catholicism?!
If you really believe that those who have a non-Catholic approach to sexuality really want to dialogue then just ask Miss California, Miss Prejean. Make no mistake, there is not a dialogue taking place. If so, her response to the question regarding "gay" marriage would have been judged based on the substance of the answer and whether it was answered in an intelligent way, not whether she agreed or not. What do you think would have been said if a conservative would have raised the question of abortion in the question/answer portion of the Miss USA pageant? Likely, it would have been said, "This is not a forum for politics!"
I don't mean to draw a direct correlation between abortion and gay marriage. You can oftentimes, though, find the same people in the same camps. Whenever we find ourselves at odds with the Church, it is going to be because of our own desire to do what we want and a further desire to receive approval for the decision. Often we hear "I don't understand why the Church..." or the Church is outdated in..." because we want to do what we want. And we do. I do it all the time. Calling sin something else, though doesn't change the outcome. A little humility in this situation can get us back on track.
written in response to:
--- On Tue, 5/19/09, Angelica wrote:
What is this nonsense? I have never seen a more deceptive man in office and I am still so angry about the fact that a Catholic University gave him a platform to speak. This is the result of encouraging "open dialogue" at Our Lady's University! Read the fine print at the bottom of this e-mail. We really need to pray for our nation and Notre Dame.
in response to another:
FYI, Pax Christi is a local Catholic Peace group.
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 3:55 PM
To Pax Christi El Paso --The president's words on this topic are powerful words. Especially the part about a "sensible conscience clause." Hope people on both sides of the issue are listening. And I hope our president truly is paying attention to voices on both sides. Here is a link to the full text of President Obama's talk at Notre Dame and a petition which some of you may want to sign if you have not already done so. Peace. Wayne
Sent: 5/18/2009 12:13:06 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Abortion: a New Way Forward
Dear Wayne,
Many think what we're doing is impossible. But we have faith.
Yesterday, during a highly anticipated speech at Notre Dame, President Obama outlined a strategy for people on all sides of the issue to work together to reduce the number abortions in America through decreasing unintended pregnancies and increasing support for women and families.[1]
Many, like the hard-line protesters at Notre Dame's commencement, believe such "common ground" can't exist, but President Obama believes it can, and we do, too.
Sign the petition: support Obama's new way forward on abortion.
We know we have both people who identify as pro-choice and who identify as pro-life in our Faithful America community, but we think we can all come together, as President Obama asked us to, with "open hearts, open minds and fair-minded words" to address this complicated issue that has been dividing our nation for decades.
We would never ask you to put aside or minimize your deeply-held beliefs on this issue, but we are asking you to join us in supporting the new approach President Obama outlined in his speech.
Our petition states:
President Obama, we support your call for civility and "fair-minded words" in the abortion debate and join you in seeking the common ground you outlined in your speech at Notre Dame: working together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies, making adoption more available and providing care and support for women who do carry their pregnancies to term.
Sign the petition: common ground is possible.
Does this approach magically erase all the divisions on this issue? Of course not. But, it is a crucial step forward. It is a model for common ground without compromise and, if enacted into law, would mean real improvements in for the lives and health of women and families.
This is not the end of debate on this issue. But we are hopeful about this new direction. Back in January, we surveyed Faithful America members about your values and priorities and 83 percent of you said you would be excited about this new approach on abortion. [2]
We're excited too. Join us in supporting President Obama' new way forward on abortion.
Click here to sign the petition.
Thank you for all you do,
Beth, Katie, Dan, Kristin and Jennifer
The Faithful America team
[1] Video and transcript of President Obama's speech:
[2] In Faithful America 's 2009 member survey, we asked the multiple-choice question: "Some people are taking a new approach to the issue of abortion. Legislation has been proposed to reduce the number of abortions in America by both preventing unintended pregnancies and supporting pregnant women and new parents through sex education, access to contraception, improved health care options, and expanding adoption. This bill enables pro-life and pro-choice advocates to find common ground to reduce the number of abortions without criminalizing the procedure. If Faithful America were to make supporting this approach to the issue of abortion a priority, how would you feel?"
Forty-five percent (553) responded "very excited," 37.6% (457) responded "somewhat excited," 13.1% (159) responded "neutral," 2.6% (32) responded "disappointed" and 1.2% (15) responded "very disappointed"
Thursday, May 21, 2009
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