Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To my 987 closest friends,

Several of you have already asked me for suggestions on what to do--or as I like to say--Add To what we already do on a daily basis for the 40 Days of Lent.

Whatever you add to your daily devotions is always good--but just for giggles I thought I would forward what a new friend of mine put together for his Catholic Study Group--a way to Read Through the Compendium of the Churches Social Doctrine of the Church--and I thought for those of you who have not yet gotten around to it--even though the English edition came out in 2004--come on guys--giggles.

Keep in mind he said it would only take "a few minutes a day" since he did divide it up for you---for full disclosure sake I must tell you that it is 480 pages and my copy weighs 1.5 pounds. You will feel better to know that the text is really only 225 pages and the sources at 25 pages and the subtopics at another 165 can easily be skimmed.

If it makes you feel better, I must tell you that way back there in 1994 when it was hot off Father Fessio's presses at Ignatius Press and my Spiritual Director had it dropped shipped to me-- the Catechism and the Companion Compendium (itself 975 pages) were a wonderful read. I must prepare you this Compendium is a little more heady--theological if you will --although the Church says it is written at High School level--giggles.

Anyway--blessed Lent to you all--keep blessing yourselves at the Holy Water fount--none of this cover it and keep it away during Lent nonsense--and add to your faith--and please remember me and all the Vinzant's in the Arms of God on your HOPE bead now and always.

With deepest affection to you all, your friend,

And as priest always tell me--"The Darker the ashes, the Deeper the Sin." hmmmm what does that mean when they are the ones who apply it to my forehead?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hays, Rob
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 1:23 PM
Subject: Reading Through the Compendium During Lent & Easter

In case any of you are interested, I’ve attached a schedule for reading through the entire Compendium for the Social Doctrine of the Church during the Lent and Easter seasons. I did this last year with several people and found it incredibly informative and helpful in developing a better understanding of social doctrine. It only took a few minutes a day since you’re reading only 5 to 6 points a day on average. The link to purchase the book via Amazon is and the link to view the Compendium directly from the Vatican website is Feel free to send this around to others that might be interested. Enjoy!


Rob Hays


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